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Australian Birds

Cygnet (Black Swan baby)
"Cygnus atratus"
The impossible swan.
Black swans were once regarded as impossible as flying pigs as it was thought that all swans must be white. How curious that the baby is white to begin with.
The impossible swan.
Black swans were once regarded as impossible as flying pigs as it was thought that all swans must be white. How curious that the baby is white to begin with.

Black swan
"Cygnus atratus"
The emblem of Western Australia.
One of only 3 swans species in Australia.
The emblem of Western Australia.
One of only 3 swans species in Australia.

Superb Fairy Wren:Breeding Male
"Malurus cyaneus"
I'm shiny! The blue plumage is UV reflecting and highly visible to females.
I'm shiny! The blue plumage is UV reflecting and highly visible to females.

Superb Fairy Wren
"Malurus cyaneus"
2021 Australian Bird of the Year.
2021 Australian Bird of the Year.

Superb Fairy Wren (Moulting Male)
"Malurus cyaneus"
Non breeding males and females look the same. One thought is that the male will overheat if it maintains its UV reflecting blue color all year.
Non breeding males and females look the same. One thought is that the male will overheat if it maintains its UV reflecting blue color all year.

Chestnut Teal ducklings
"Anas castanea"
Truly loyal couples: these small ducks will stay with their mate all the time even when the breeding season is over. Dad is the colorful duck with the green head in the background.
Truly loyal couples: these small ducks will stay with their mate all the time even when the breeding season is over. Dad is the colorful duck with the green head in the background.

Sooty Oystercatcher
"Haematopus fuliginosus"
According to a field study, males prefer hard shelled food like this limpet and females prefer soft bodied food like bluebottle jellyfish.
According to a field study, males prefer hard shelled food like this limpet and females prefer soft bodied food like bluebottle jellyfish.

Australian Pelican
"Pelecanus conspicillatus"
During breeding season, the bill changes color to this wonderful rainbow.
During breeding season, the bill changes color to this wonderful rainbow.

Cygnet (Black Swan Baby)
"Cygnus atratus"
Baby black swans will often hitch a ride on mum's back. So cute!
Baby black swans will often hitch a ride on mum's back. So cute!

Red rumped parrot

Powerful Owl
"Ninox strenua"
Australia's largest owl.
Can be 45-65
cm in length.
Australia's largest owl.
Can be 45-65
cm in length.

Rainbow lorikeet
"Trichoglossus moluccanus "
One of the most beautiful species of parrot.
One of the most beautiful species of parrot.

Australian Wood duckling
"Chenonetta jubata"

New Holland honeyeater
"Phylidonyris novaehollandiae"
This honey eater also needs to eat insects and spiders to get enough protein. This one is launching at an nearby insect.
This honey eater also needs to eat insects and spiders to get enough protein. This one is launching at an nearby insect.

Rainbow lorikeet
"Trichoglossus moluccanus"

Welcome Swallow
"Hirundo neoxena"
Appearance signals the coming of spring in Australia and is therefore a "welcome" sight
These swallows, however, were huddled together for warmth as the cold icy wind and rain hit them on the beach.
Appearance signals the coming of spring in Australia and is therefore a "welcome" sight
These swallows, however, were huddled together for warmth as the cold icy wind and rain hit them on the beach.
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